Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good vs. Evil

Why are some ex-husbands such complete assholes??

I actually have two ex-husbands. The first, well ... we should have never gotten married, and I'm actually surprised we STAYED married for five years. When we divorced, we went our separate ways and that was basically the end of it. Neither one wished anything bad to befall the other, and neither one of us did anything to try and create extra hardships for the other. My first husband and I never had children, so that made it significantly easier, as well.

My second ex-husband, however, is a totally different story. I devoted ten years to him, total, and he continually tries to make my life hell. We have two children together, and both have Autism. He has not seen them, of his own choice, since the middle of June 2008. He got pissed off at ME, and just didn't show up to pick them up one evening, and hasn't seen them since. The being pissed off at me part is just an excuse, I'm sure. Having to have two kids around when he's with his tramp girlfriend is just not his idea of a "good time". His loss. Entirely his loss.

Anyways, this last year, he's done everything he can to try and leave me and his children destitute. He's falsified numbers on our tax return, AND he's filed an amended copy of our tax return WITHOUT my consent or knowledge. Can you say TAX FRAUD?????

He stopped paying Child Support at the beginning of February. Can you say DEADBEAT DAD????? He had a very good, very stable job in IT that he quit in July of 2007 so he could go out to Missouri and learn how to drive big trucks. Gimme a break! THEN, according to his blog, he left THAT job mid-February because he supposedly wasn't making any money at it. I think he got FIRED, personally. He's basically turned into a total loser, unable to keep down a job. Geez ... just like he was when I first met him!!!! I guess I shoulda known better. I sent him an email today to "remind" him that he needed to send me a check for the Bowflex payment. It's in MY name, but HE has it at the skank's house. I doubt that I'll see another dime for that. Jackass. Some people never grow up and never learn to be responsible for their own actions. He's one of those people!

Now, I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason. I don't know WHY things happen, but I have to trust that everything that happens has a purpose. If I hadn't met the idiot and married him, I wouldn't have two wonderful kids. They are worth 100 of him and more. He doesn't DESERVE to have these kids in his life.

So much more to come ...

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