Friday, April 10, 2009

Tazers Should Be Allowed

I've been divorced for over a year now, and separated for over two. We hit the two-year mark the day after our youngest son's birthday ... nice, huh? Happy Birthday to him! Jerk! Anyways, I've been divorced for over a year now, and my ex is STILL a part of my life, albeit a very nasty, skanky, foul-smelling part of my life.

As you know, he can't hold down a job to save his life now. He says he's QUIT those jobs but I think he got FIRED from them, and hasn't been paying his COURT ORDERED Child Support since February, and now, he can't even manage to send me his freaken BOWFLEX payments! Did I just not see what a complete asshole he was back when I first met him in 1997 or did he turn into the jackass he is now? Did his skanky girlfriend have anything to do with his change of character, or did she just help to bring it out in him?

Anyways, back to the heading of this post ... I think tazers should be allowed to be used on Deadbeat Dads like him. I don't want to see him dead, he's just not worth that kind of hassle. I would, however, like to give him an electric shock or two just to try and knock the STUPID out of him! Of course, he's gotten SO MUCH stupid in him lately that one or two shocks would probably not be enough. And more than that would just be a waste of a good tazer!

There's just no help for some people ...